ABN 89 454 554 400             PO BOX 685, WYNNUM, 4178         Email:  qshba@topshowmusic.com.au

Photos 2013  -      (Click here for 2005 - 2008 photos)        (2009 Photos)     (2010 Photos)     (2011 Photos)   (2012 Photos)

Photos for  2014 and beyond are now on face book - click here to go.



First up for 2013 was the fundraising Sausage sizzle at Bunnings, Cannon Hill. Thank you to the members who were able to assist so early in the year. We raised $1300.00. Thank you to Bunnings. On the same day we also received a grant from the Queensland Government's Gambling Community Grants Fund of $35,000.00 and, another grant from the Jupiter's Casino Grant Fund of $34600.00. These funds will greatly assist instrument and other equipment purchases for both our Brisbane based bands and our Gold Coast Based bands.

First gig for the year now done, Tree Tops RSL Nursing Home 17/2/13.

In march we again put on a fund raising concert to support the Red Cross Flood appeal, $800.00 was raised. Talent for the Coast and QSB did a repeat performance for Seeton College at their camp at Joyner. The Bayside Youth Band played at the Manly West SS fete and the next day, did their first marching Gig at the Melanoma Awareness march.

April is ANZAC month and this year another milestone was reached in that we were able to participate in the Brisbane city ANZAC Day Parade for the first time. Two days later we were again in the Ipswich Festival parade.

May kicked of with another great performance by the Bayside Youth Band, this time at the West End markets. QSB and QMIHTB again spent a weekend at the Emu Gully Air and Land Spectacular.

In June , QMIHTB again performed for the UQ Ruby Club whilst July saw the Youth band returning to the Manly markets and QMIHTB & QSB again spending the weekend in Wondai for the Reserve Forces/National Service remembrance day. This was followed by being in James Morrison's World Biggest Orchestra.

August opened with the Youth Band performing at Fort Lytton. Significantly, our beginner/first year students made their first performance for the year. A week later all QSHBA was at the EKKA. QSB played for the Long Tan Day Service at Darling Point and BYB finished off the month at the Bayside Arts and Music festival.

September saw QMIHTB return to the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers but this time as the "Star Wars" Band in support of the Redback Garrison, 501 Legion (Vader's 1st)

October was a busy busy month. Firstly, all of our bands and the City of Brisbane Pipe Band went to Nanango for the annual Mardi Gras, then with Talent for the Coast, the senior marching band went to Surfers' Paradise  to be in the Super V8s parade, Finally all bands again participated in the Manly Halloween Parade.

November was spent converting the repertoires to Christmas music. However we did put on a primary school student one day workshop. Approx 80 students attended this workshop.

1st up in December was the Blue care "Carols Under the Stars" which because of rain was moved indoors. Next was the Nazareth House Carols. During the Christmas period we also sent a small group to do a quick demo performance to assist with the Booval Music School's recruiting and also provided a bugler and piper for the (QLD) Proclamation Day celebrations at Newstead House. We again held our end of year awards/Christmas dinner. This year the recipients were Senior Attendance: Jordan; Youth Attendance: Tracey; Drum Corps Attendance: Hannah R; Special Award: Jeffrey.

The year ended on a high note when QSHBA re-activated the Bayside Carols during which we also performed with members from Yellow Cabs Bayside Brass, Wynnum Salvation Army Band, Bayside Youth Choir & Dolphin Studio Choir.   


Our logo: The centrepiece is a symbol of our recognition, appreciation and affiliation with civilian community musicians throughout all Commonwealth nations.  Above this are two swords which symbolise our band's rich and historic military heritage.  Below is a boomerang which displays our recognition and appreciation of Australia's First Nations' peoples.  Indigenous Australians played a vital role in our nation's military history and continue to do so, both in our military and throughout society.  Whilst the band operates throughout Queensland, Australia and internationally, we would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land our headquarters are based, that is the past, present and emerging Elders of Quandamooka country.  The logo is encased in our name and it is our aim that the combination of all these elements symbolise our respectful yet dynamic and inclusive ethos.

Some of the team fundraising sausage sizzle at Bunnings Cannon Hill. 12/1/13 Thank you  Bunnings The first of the new instruments courtesy of the Gambling Community Grants Fund, Bb and Eb horns

The first of the new instruments courtesy of the Gambling Community Grants Fund,

Eb and Bb horns

Tree Tops Nursing Home - 17/2/13. QSB

Tree Tops Nursing Home - 17/2/13. QSB

Red Cross Flood Appeal Concert - Wynnum Leisure Centre - 9/3/13.

QSB with the City of Brisbane Pipe Band

Red Cross Flood Appeal Concert - Wynnum Leisure Centre - 9/3/13.

Bayside Youth Band - First wearing of the white uniform

Red Cross Flood Appeal Concert - Wynnum Leisure Centre - 9/3/13.

Finale - Bayside Youth Band, Queensland Show Band, Singit, Downunder Tribal Belly Dancers, City of Brisbane Pipe Band

Talent for the Coast at Seeton College Year 10 camp - 14/3/13 Our new banner purchased form funds provided by the Queensland Gambling Community Fund - first outing -Manly West S. S. fete, 23/3/13
Bayside Youth Band at the Manly West S. S. fete, 23/3/13 Bayside Youth Band at the Manly West S. S. fete, 23/3/13
Bayside Youth Band very 1st marching rehearsal - 16/3/13 Bayside Youth Band very 1st marching rehearsal - 16/3/13
Bayside Youth Band (with some helpers) just about to start their 1st marching gig, Manly - 243/13 Bayside Youth Band (with some helpers) 1st marching gig, Manly - 243/13
Bayside Youth Band, 1st marching gig - Melanoma Awareness March - Darling Point, 24/3/13 Bayside Youth Band, 1st marching gig - Melanoma Awareness March - Bandstand Park, Wynnum 24/3/13
Bayside Youth Band, an impromptu stage performance - Melanoma Awareness March - Bandstand Park, Wynnum 24/3/13 After the march -Bandstand Park, Wynnum 24/3/13
ANZAC Day, Brisbane.  QMIHTB  in front of Royal Australian Armour Corps Assn. 25/4/13 - click here for youtube video

ANZAC Day, Brisbane.  QMIHTBand - 25/4/13

click here for youtube video of TV coverage

ANZAC Day, Brisbane.  QMIHTBand - 25/4/13 - Great big thankyou to Wynnum Manly Leagues Club for transportation in and out of the City, and to Shane for driving. Ipswich Festival, QMIHT, Band and Riders - 27/4/13
Ipswich Festival QMIHTBand with QMIHT, Senior Marshal & City of Brisbane Pipe Band get-together after the gig- 27/4/13 Bayside Youth Band, West End Markets, Montague Rd., West End, Brisbane. 4/5/13

Emu Gully, Air and Land Spectacular, QSB playing "Sunset" as a tribute to Terry Kronk. Jordan is playing one of the new Bugles, Robyn is playing one of the new triggered Horns, Patti is playing the new 4 valve baritone, and Henk is playing the new Eb Miraphone Bass Tuba. All courtesy of the Gaming Community Benefit Fund. Richard is playing the new Euphonium and Derek, the cornet purchased via the previous grant.18/5/13

Worlds Biggest Orchestra, Brisbane.  13/7/13

Worlds Biggest Orchestra, Brisbane. QSHBA members after the gig 13/7/13
Bayside Youth Band, Fort Lytton, Brisbane. 4/8/13 Bayside Youth Band (1st year band's 1st performance), Fort Lytton, Brisbane. 4/8/13
Bayside Youth Band 1 & 2 combuined,, Fort Lytton, Brisbane. 4/8/13 Bayside Youth Band 1 & 2 combuined,, Fort Lytton, Brisbane. 4/8/13
Bayside Youth Band, 1st year students, Fort Lytton. Wearing the new shirts sponsored by QUOTA Club. 4/8/13 Bayside Youth Band (1st year band), Bayside Arts and Music, 31/8/13
Bayside Youth Band 1  &  2, Bayside Arts and Music, 31/8/13 Bayside Youth Band 1  &  2, Bayside Arts and Music, 31/8/13
Toowoomba carnival of Flowers - QMIHTB as the Star Wars Band. 21/9/13 Toowoomba carnival of Flowers - QMIHTB as the Star Wars Band with the Redback Garrison, 501st Legion (Vader's 1st). 21/9/13
QSB, QMIHTB, BYB 1  &  2 with the City of Brisbane Pipe Band, Nanango Mardi Gras, 12/10/13 Bayside Youth Band 1  &  2, Nanango Mardi Gras, 12/10/13
QSB, QMIHTB, BYB 1  &  2 with the City of Brisbane Pipe Band, performing "Highland cathedral" Nanango Mardi Gras, 12/10/13 Gold Coast Super V8s parade, Surfers' paradise 21/10/13 - new uniform and name as the V8s Band.
Manly Halloween Parade, 26/10/13 Manly Halloween Parade, 26/10/13
Manly Halloween Parade, 26/10/13 Manly Halloween Parade, 26/10/13
Manly Halloween Parade, 26/10/13 Primary School Workshop, 8/11/13- Well done Jess

Blue Care carols, 5/12/13 Blue Care carols, 5/12/13
Blue Care carols, 5/12/13 Nazareth House carols, 9/12/13
Nazareth House carols, 9/12/13 Nazareth House carols, 9/12/13
Nazareth House carols, 9/12/13 Bayside carols, 21/12/13
Bayside carols, 21/12/13 Bayside carols, 21/12/13 - Great Job Emma
Proclamation Day with QMIHT (Dis-mounted), Newstead House, 10/12/13 Proclamation Day with QMIHT (Dis-mounted), Newstead House, 10/12/13

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Contact the QSHBA by Email at: qhsba@topshowmusic.com.au  Or by Mail to:  QSHBA, PO BOX 685, WYNNUM, QLD, 4178

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